How to keep inactive subsribe from unsubscribing and increasing open rates.

The Challenge

ESP segmenting subscribers as inactive

With a list of over 1 million subscribers and email marketing as a major source of their revenue, BioTrust was understandably concerned when their previous ESP made a hard rule across many of their large clients to suppress what they deemed to be “inactive” contacts.

After having some doubts about how their ESP was segmenting out inactive subscribers, BioTrust performed their own independent test by sending out an email to these so-called “inactive contacts”. The results came back to show that 80,000 of the subscribers in this segment had opened their emailproving that they were not inactive contacts at all. Not only would suppressing these “inactive” contacts result in hundreds of thousands of dollars lost, these were also subscribers who wanted to hear from BioTrust, and expected to hear from them on a regular basis.

The Solution

Fully customized unsubscribe page to keep contacts engaged

Fortunately, after meeting with Maropost CEO, Ross Paquette, BioTrust was able to quickly and easily switch platforms. Within a month, they were achieving better results than they ever had on their previous ESP and their average open rate increased from 15% to 20%, a 33% increase.

The entire Maropost team made themselves available to Biotrust regularly, daily, and even during off hours to assist them with the transition to Maropost—ensuring the smooth migration of their large contact list to a brand new platform with brand new sending IP addresses.

Another major benefit BioTrust found in moving to Maropost was our relationship with Return Path. Having Maropost assist, guide, and advocate for them during the certification process with Return Path proved to be invaluable. The Return Path Certification is a fundamental part of BioTrust’s success, but their previous ESP lacked the expertise to guide them with the set-up and certification. With Maropost, they were certified quickly and have enjoyed the benefits of Return Path Certification for well over a year now.

Maropost’s customer-first innovation policy means BioTrust has the ability to work directly with the development team to contribute to the product roadmap and new features. They were able to collaborate with Maropost on the development of a fully customize unsubscribe page, which allows them to keep contacts engaged who would have otherwise unsubscribed.

They were immediately impressed with the dedicated level of customer service they received with Maropost, particularly the responsiveness available through the chat functionreceiving resolutions to any issues within 15 minutes, from a skilled technician or someone in a management role.

Over the last year, BioTrust has referred over 50 significant-sized clients to Maropost and says it will continue to refer many more.


BioTrust Nutrition is a team—a team of the world’s leading health and nutrition experts carrying some of the most impressive credentials you’ll ever come across, including MDs, RDs, PhDs, CPTs, CSNs, PTs, and DCs. But perhaps even more impressive than the letters behind each name is the fact that each and every person on the BioTrust team voluntary chose to be part of what they’re doing because they whole-heartedly believe in everything BioTrust stands for: honesty, integrity, and premium quality nutrition products.
As a company, they’re proud to boast an incredible, genuine team of fitness professionals, but they’re even more excited about the common cause that’s brought them all together—you, your body, and your results.