A marketing solution for scaling multiple brands

The Challenge

Inbox placement issues and list segmentation creation

Even though SimpleWag had just launched, their pet-centric content was already being met with high exposure and approval. With an ever-growing email subscriber base, SimpleWag found themselves devoting more and more time to list segmentation and reconciliation.

With increasing popularity, a third sister company in the works, and inbox placement issues at their old marketing platform, Cloud Clinic sought out a solution that could scale with them.

The Solution

Automated email journeys, proper organization and segmentation

Working with Maropost’s client success team, SimpleWag set up automated journeys and segments, ensuring all recipients are automatically placed in the correct campaign stream. As for SimpleWag’s inbox placement issues, our deliverability team was able to boost their inbox placement rates overnight, by implementing best practices and processes.

With these systems in place, SimpleWag knew their email strategy could now drive customer engagement to new heights, while scaling even faster than before.

  • Implementing deliverability best practices and processes
  • Automating email journeys, campaigns, workflows, and reporting
  • Ensure proper organization, segmentation, and sanitation of mailing lists

The Results

99% deliverability and well nurtured leads

10 journeys
Maropost’s automated journeys mean leads are always nurtured and never lost. With the day-to-day processes automated, you can focus on the big wins.

5 segments
Maropost’s segmentation capabilities provide the deepest insights and highest specificity in the industry—because your customers deserve content that speaks to them.

99% deliverability
We’ve spent years building a reputation as the Email Service Provider specializing in deliverability—and our 99.6% average client deliverability rate proves it. We know email marketing doesn’t end when you press send, so we provide in-depth deliverability consultation services to help your emails reach the inbox.

Cloud Clinic LLC

At a time when an increasing number of companies are entering the expanding pet market, Cloud Clinic LLC has developed a growth strategy that ensures success, for both of its brands—CertaPet and SimpleWag.

CertaPet connects licensed mental health professionals with patients seeking emotional support animal letters. Founded in 2015, CertaPet has grown rapidly and helped thousands of pet owners secure Emotional Support Animal status for their animal companions.

Due to CertaPet’s incredible popularity, a separate sister company—SimpleWag—was founded as an all-natural pet marketplace and information authority. Almost immediately, SimpleWag became the go-to media channel for educating dog owners on the best products and nutritional practices for their four-legged family members.

But this success came at a cost, as they quickly outgrew their previous platform. Cloud Clinic needed to find a marketing solution that could scale as efficiently as their own operations—which is why they came to Maropost.