Leveraging split testing to determine campaign performance

The Challenge

Inbox issues, poor deliverability and insufficient service and support

On their previous email marketing platform, Danette May was continually plagued by inbox issues, with poor deliverability preventing them from reaching their subscribers. To make matters worse, insufficient service and support meant technical, time-sensitive issues were being left unresolved. With overages and billing concerns also in the mix, the team at Danette May knew it was time for a change.

Quote Icon

“We are able to course-correct in real time to ensure the relevance factor is high and that customers are deriving value from our communications.”


Marketing Leader at DANETTE MAY

The Solution

Automated workflow campaigns and triggered emails

After meeting the Maropost team and going through a thorough evaluation process, Danette May decided to make the move. Within just a few months of joining the platform, they were already seeing the business benefits of automated workflow campaigns.

Because their business focuses primarily on generating online revenue, email is a core contributor to their bottom line. Using workflows with triggered emails customized according to each prospect’s interests, Danette May is now engaging customers on an individual level. Adapting according to previous purchases, dedicated workflow series launch to nurture further purchases. These workflows have a proven impact, contributing to an marked increase in cross-selling and associated revenue.

Danette May

Danette May, the Founder of Mindful Health, LLC, has created a platform to provide millions of people around the world the tools, knowledge, and inspiration to look and feel their best while living more healthy and zestful lives. Her most recent accomplishment Eat, Drink and Shrink, was created for busy men and women who have a true desire to lose weight and be healthier, but simply don’t have the time or the knowledge to prepare nutritious meals. Being a single, working mother Danette fully understands how precious time is, so she created a recipe book with over 120 delicious recipes with only five ingredients to create wonderful meals with.

The book was specifically designed for busy people who want to save time in the grocery store, save time in the kitchen, and have more meaningful time with families and loved ones. Danette also recently launched an online coaching and membership program Forever Fit Personal Training for individuals who want a more personalized system to achieve their weight loss goals. The coaching includes a loving community of support, new exercise videos each week, mentor support, and two live group-coaching calls with Danette each month.