A/B split testing and flexible platform

The Challenge

Limitations on delivering promotional and engagement contents

Email is critically important to Smart Agents’ marketing strategy, responsible for delivering promotional and engagement content with agents and investors prior to purchase. Due to limitations on each, three platforms were previously required to handle Smart Agents’ email marketing campaigns. With robust email marketing needs, but no one platform that could support them, Smart Agents decided to set out in search of a solution.

The Solution

Advanced segmentation and workflows

Immediately after migrating to Maropost, the Smart Agents team was impressed by the platform’s ease of use, along with the level of support offered by the client success and deliverability teams. But more than that, they were relieved to finally consolidate their email marketing efforts on a single platform.

With email as one of their biggest traffic drivers, Smart Agents is now using Maropost’s advanced segmentation and workflows to increase subscriber engagement and loyalty. To see their results of their new efforts, the platform’s dashboards offer full transparency into campaign performance—so they can tell what’s working (and what isn’t).

Smart Agents

Smart Agents is an elite real estate marketing company assisting real estate agents to list and sell more property by providing cutting edge marketing material, training and software. It provides agents with the tools to implement proven marketing strategies in their business. Chris Curry and Calvin Curry started the company back in 2008 while working together as real estate agents in Gainesville, Florida. Its goal is to share the techniques and strategies they have worked to perfect with its team of Realtors.