Do Not Sell My Personal Information

Effective Date: February 12, 2020

Instructions for natural residents of the State of California wishing to exercise their rights under CPRA.

Maropost does not engage in the sale of personal information to third parties.

Maropost uses cookies (refer to our Privacy Policy for the definition of “cookies”) to provide a superior experience for our web site visitors. None of the information captured is personally identifiable.

We capture personally identifiable information from individuals who have opted in to our marketing newsletters which includes email address, first name, and last name. We also capture personally identifiable information from individuals who are paying customers of Maropost’s services including name, email address, billing address, and credit card number.

Under California’s CPRA law, our customers residing in California can request Maropost provide details of personal information that we have collected, and/or to request the deletion of that personal information. We are happy to extend this courtesy to our non-California customers as well.

Under CPRA we are allowed to use any personal information collected from the customer for the purposes of verification of California residency.  Upon verification of the request, we will provide provide the required information to the customer free of charge within 45 days.  We may provide personal information to a customer at any time, but are not required to provide personal information to the customer more than twice in a 12-month period.

Customers may submit their requests for information and/or data deletion using the following form:

Customers may also submit their requests in writing by sending an email to