Plans Designed to Drive Unlimited Growth

Our pricing and plans are designed to suit your unique business needs. Speak to our team to find the right solution for you.


  • USD $
  • AUS $
  • EUR €


Starts At


/per month

Email Marketing

Email Campaigns

Email Campaigns

Create, send, and track broadcast email campaigns to a static or dynamic portion of contacts who meet specified criteria (Send now, schedule later, recurring campaigns etc)

Email Campaigns

A/B Campaigns

A/B Campaigns

Another name for A/B testing is “split testing”. Meaning you can see which campaign gets the most clicks or opens. Any improvement in drop-off rates can result in large revenue gains. You can test content, subject, or name and compare the results.

A-B Campaigns

Transactional Emails

Transactional Emails

Delivered in real time after a contact's activity, such as an order receipt or a password reset email, transactional emails are time sensitive.

Transactional Emails
Marketing Assets & Email Content

Email Templates

Email Templates

Develop a collection of content templates so you and your team can quickly create fresh material instead of starting from zero.

Email Templates

Content Builder & Render Preview

Content Builder & Render Preview

The content builder allows users to create emails and preview them on various devices.

Content Builder & Render Preview

Image Library

Image Library

Upload your own images into the Image Library so you and your team can easily add images to email content.

Image Library

Dynamic Content

Dynamic Content

Dynamic Content is content that varies depending on the viewer. People who meet the criteria for your dynamic content are shown the material. A product purchased could be your criteria.

Dynamic Content

Countdown & Optimize on Open®

Countdown & Optimize on Open®

Marketers must test and optimise emails in today's world. In an email, an Optimize on Open image group displays a different image according on the date and time of viewing. It lets you display a different offer or call to action based on when the email is opened.

Countdown & Optimize on Open®

Transactional Emails

Transactional Emails

Create transactional campaigns with assigned content and contact specific messages via contact tags (merge fields).

Transactional Emails

Footer Management

Footer Management

This feature allows you to design and manage bespoke campaign footers. You can use your previously made preference pages in a custom footer (manage subscription, edit profile, report spam, 1-click unsubscribe, and thank you pages).

Footer Management
Email Management

Email Tags

Email Tags

Campaign tags help you to organize and report on your campaigns.

Email Tags

Campaign Folders

Campaign Folders

Organize your campaigns into folders that you can effortlessly drag and drop.

Campaign Folders

Brand Management

Brand Management

Using Brand Management, you can deliver brand-specific ads and allow customers to unsubscribe from specific brands rather than all lists in an account. Brands also have their own ‘Do Not Mail' list.

Brand Management
Mobile Marketing

SMS Campaigns

SMS Campaigns

To contact your target demographic, use SMS texts. Most SMS messages are opened within 3 minutes. For marketers, this means it's a goldmine. As a result of the disruption caused by an SMS message, marketers must be very careful with the material they send, while still complying with rules.

SMS Campaigns

Mobile Keywords

Mobile Keywords

Mobile Keywords are letters or phrases linked to certain activities. Interact with your audience by using these SMS Keywords. Your contacts can reply to your SMS campaign by texting the keyword.

Mobile Keywords

In-app Push Notifications

In-app Push Notifications

Mobile has progressively become the finest and most effective way to reach clients. Sending push alerts and in-app messages to your app users has never been simpler. To connect your mobile app to Maropost for Marketing, you must first download and install the Maropost Mobile SDK.

In-app Push Notifications
Marketing Automation



Journeys are a way to send automatic messages to specific people.

Audience Management



Custom Contact Fields

Segment Builder

Segment Builder

In email marketing, segmentation is grouping contacts based on criteria. You should market to each person on your list differently. You'll need different techniques for different demographics, interests, email involvement, purchasing history, etc.

Segment Builder
One-Click Integrations



The Maropost for Marketing and Shopify integration is simple to set up and allows you to import purchase orders directly from Shopify.




Users of Salesforce may now access Maropost's strong marketing automation features. Using Maropost's high-performance email engine, you can send mass emails to Salesforce campaign members and produce reports.




Maropost for Marketing is natively integrated with Magento 2.x. Use this connection to import Magento customers and their purchase history into Maropost.




Maropost for Marketing integrates with Infusionsoft/Keap via several distinct points. Both Maropost and Infusionsoft's APIs are used to integrate the systems.




Maropost is Netsuite-compatible. The interface connects you to Netsuite's company accounting, ERP, CRM, and ecommerce software suites.




Zapier, an automation tool for connecting apps, supports Maropost. You can use Zapier to link Maropost to other apps.

Custom Integrations

Concurrent API Calls

Concurrent API Calls

With Maropost for Marketing, you can select between REST and GraphQL APIs. For data retrieval from your Maropost for Marketing account, the GraphQL APIs can be utilised instead of REST. The REST APIs must be used to submit and edit data.

Relational Table Data Storage

Relational Table Data Storage

Relational tables are used to hold structured data in a database. The tables' data can be accessed via SQL queries. This is a relational database distinct from your contacts and product/revenue databases that can be accessed using any normal database/sql tool.

Import via SFTP

Import via SFTP

Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) is a network protocol for accessing, transmitting, and managing files. Security for billing, money, and data recovery files through SFTP.

Reporting & Analytics

Personalized Monitoring Dashboard

Personalized Monitoring Dashboard

Every account has a dashboard where you can add widgets to see how your campaigns are functioning and your contact database is expanding.

Personalized Monitoring Dashboard

Campaign Reporting

Campaign Reporting

The Campaign Reports help you track the performance of your email campaigns

Campaign Reporting

Deliverability Reporting

Deliverability Reporting

A deliverability report is an analytical report that helps you assess the performance of your efforts. The report includes campaign deliverability numbers by ISP. When creating a deliverability report, you may choose which ISPs and data (open rate, bounce rate, complaint rate, etc.) to include.

Deliverability Reporting

List Growth & Attrition Reporting

List Growth & Attrition Reporting

Uncover how your contact lists are expanding or diminishing with a growth and attrition analysis. You may define the report's contact lists and metrics. You set the date period and the report only includes stats for your chosen contact lists.

List Growth & Attrition Reporting

A/B Testing

A/B Testing

This strategy is used to determine which marketing your contacts respond to the best. In other words, it allows you to assess which campaign generates the most clicks or opens from your contacts. A slight reduction in drop-off rates can result in a big increase in sales.

A-B Testing

SMS Reporting

SMS Reporting

Maropost keeps track of all SMS Reporting. If your traffic is rising or dropping, this might be a positive or bad thing depending on your business model. It's vital to have the data you need to make informed judgments.

SMS Reporting

Custom Reporting

Custom Reporting

A custom report is a summary report created by you. You can also use the data to create a report. Recurring reports can be created and delivered to several email recipients.

Custom Reporting
Marketing Intelligence

Web Tracking

Web Tracking

Web tracking from Maropost completes the client 360-degree perspective. Campaigns that promote items, content or white papers are designed to generate visitors to websites (to name a few uses). Web tracking, as the name indicates, records the pages your contacts visit after clicking on an email link.

Web Tracking

Product and Revenue Tracking

Product and Revenue Tracking

This tool allows Commerce Marketers to track items, orders and income. The end result is a single Maropost customer record that incorporates both contact and purchase history.

Product and Revenue Tracking

List Cleansing

List Cleansing

Cleansing your email marketing list involves deleting unresponsive or obsolete subscribers. Cleaning your email list may enhance your open and click rates, as well as your overall email deliverability.

List Cleansing

Send Time Optimization

Send Time Optimization

Sends the campaign at your contacts' best day or time based on their email opening habits.

Send Time Optimization

Conversion Time Optimization

Conversion Time Optimization

Sends the campaign at your contacts' best day or time based on their online purchase habits.

Conversion Time Optimization
Admin & Account Management


Roles & Permissions

Folder Management

Folder Management

The folders help arrange data. The folder panel is featured on the application's Index pages. You can drag and drop data into various directories.

Folder Management

- Campaign Emails

- Journeys

- Contact List

- Contact Segments

- Contact Tags

Account & Sub-Account Management

Security & Compliance

SPAM Check

SPAM Check

Have your content validated and given a spam score prior to send, to allow you to address any issues that would affect deliverability

SPAM Check

GDPR Compliant

GDPR Compliant

GDPR is a rule that mandates enterprises to respect EU individuals' personal data and privacy while transacting within the EU. Non-compliance may cost businesses dearly.

GDPR Compliant

Secure Data Transfers

Secure Data Transfers

Secure Data Transfer (SDT) between clusters within a grid is possible using Maropost. Only when both sides of a copy transaction are encrypted will logical volume copies be encrypted.

Deliverability Monitoring

Deliverability Monitoring

Every account has a Deliverability Manager who analyses deliverability and takes measures to reduce concerns with inbox providers.

Deliverability Monitoring

24/7 Chat Support

24/7 Chat Support

Get all your questions answered with 24/7 in-app support.

Dedicated Customer Success Manager

Dedicated Customer Success Manager

Inquiries concerning your account, our platform, or training sessions should be sent here. They follow industry standards.

Dedicated Deliverability Manager

Dedicated Deliverability Manager

Your Designated Deliverability Manager may assist with bulking, spam filters, blacklisting, and ISP mitigation.

Training & Onboarding

Training & Onboarding

Your account will be given a specialized onboarding CS Team member. They will help you with onboarding and account setup questions.


Dedicated IP

Dedicated IP

Emails may be sent from a pool of Maropost customers' IP addresses. In this case, your sending reputation is purely based on your own sending practises.


Starts At


/per month

Email Marketing

Email Campaigns

A/B Campaigns

Transactional Emails

Marketing Assets & Email Content

Email Templates

Content Builder & Render Preview

Image Library

Dynamic Content

Countdown & Optimize on Open®

Transactional Emails

Footer Management

Email Management

Email Tags

Campaign Folders

Mobile Marketing

SMS Campaigns $

Marketing Automation

Journeys 5

Audience Management

Contacts Unlimited

Lists Unlimited

Custom Contact Fields 50

Segment Builder Unlimited

One-Click Integrations







Custom Integrations

Concurrent API Calls 10

Import via SFTP

Reporting & Analytics

Personalized Monitoring Dashboard

Campaign Reporting

Deliverability Reporting

List Growth & Attrition Reporting

A/B Testing

SMS Reporting

Custom Reporting

Marketing Intelligence

Web Tracking

Product and Revenue Tracking

List Cleansing

Admin & Account Management

Users Unlimited

Roles & Permissions

Folder Management

- Campaign Emails

- Journeys

- Contact List

- Contact Segments

- Contact Tags

Account & Sub-Account Management $

Security & Compliance

SPAM Check

GDPR Compliant

Secure Data Transfers

Deliverability Monitoring


24/7 Chat Support


Dedicated IP $


Starts At


/per month

Email Marketing

Email Campaigns

A/B Campaigns

Transactional Emails

Marketing Assets & Email Content

Email Templates

Content Builder & Render Preview

Image Library

Dynamic Content

Countdown & Optimize on Open®

Transactional Emails

Footer Management

Email Management

Email Tags

Campaign Folders

Brand Management

Mobile Marketing

SMS Campaigns $

Mobile Keywords $

In-app Push Notifications $

Marketing Automation

Journeys 20

Audience Management

Contacts Unlimited

Lists Unlimited

Custom Contact Fields 100

Segment Builder Unlimited

One-Click Integrations







Custom Integrations

Concurrent API Calls 10

Relational Table Data Storage 5GB

Import via SFTP

Reporting & Analytics

Personalized Monitoring Dashboard

Campaign Reporting

Deliverability Reporting

List Growth & Attrition Reporting

A/B Testing

SMS Reporting

Custom Reporting

Marketing Intelligence

Web Tracking

Product and Revenue Tracking

List Cleansing

Send Time Optimization

Conversion Time Optimization

Admin & Account Management

Users Unlimited

Roles & Permissions

Folder Management

- Campaign Emails

- Journeys

- Contact List

- Contact Segments

- Contact Tags

Account & Sub-Account Management $

Security & Compliance

SPAM Check

GDPR Compliant

Secure Data Transfers

Deliverability Monitoring


24/7 Chat Support

Dedicated Customer Success Manager

Dedicated Deliverability Manager

Training & Onboarding


Dedicated IP $


Starts At


/per month

Email Marketing

Email Campaigns

A/B Campaigns

Transactional Emails

Marketing Assets & Email Content

Email Templates

Content Builder & Render Preview

Image Library

Dynamic Content

Countdown & Optimize on Open®

Transactional Emails

Footer Management

Email Management

Email Tags

Campaign Folders

Brand Management

Mobile Marketing

SMS Campaigns $

Mobile Keywords $

In-app Push Notifications $

Marketing Automation

Journeys Unlimited

Audience Management

Contacts Unlimited

Lists Unlimited

Custom Contact Fields 150

Segment Builder Unlimited

One-Click Integrations







Custom Integrations

Concurrent API Calls 10

Relational Table Data Storage 10GB

Import via SFTP

Reporting & Analytics

Personalized Monitoring Dashboard

Campaign Reporting

Deliverability Reporting

List Growth & Attrition Reporting

A/B Testing

SMS Reporting

Custom Reporting

Marketing Intelligence

Web Tracking

Product and Revenue Tracking

List Cleansing

Send Time Optimization

Conversion Time Optimization

Admin & Account Management

Users Unlimited

Roles & Permissions

Folder Management

- Campaign Emails

- Journeys

- Contact List

- Contact Segments

- Contact Tags

Account & Sub-Account Management $

Security & Compliance

SPAM Check

GDPR Compliant

Secure Data Transfers

Deliverability Monitoring


24/7 Chat Support

Dedicated Customer Success Manager

Dedicated Deliverability Manager

Training & Onboarding


Dedicated IP $

*Minimum charge of $400 a month for SMS. You can add to your account at anytime.

*Billed Quarterly Or Annually, with Annual contracts


Starts At


/per month

Online Store and Marketplaces

Channels - Extra Channels US$49/Per Month

Google Shopping


Manual order entry/Telesales

Included Revenue


Phone, email and live chat

Product Management & Marketing

Number of products

Kitted products

Custom fields

Product variations

Upsell and cross-sell products

Discount coupon codes

Gift vouchers

Rewards program

One-page checkout

Abandoned cart saver

Store finder

Customisable dashboard

Customer groups and segmentation

Wholesale price lists

Glew Ecommerce Analytics

Payment Options

Fraud protection

Accept all credit cards

Stored credit cards

Afterpay and Zip Pay/ Zip Money

Apple Pay and Google Pay


Account credit

B2B payment terms


Dropshipping and cross-docking

Low-cost routing

Generic labelling and manifesting

Custom shipping zones

Real-time shipping quote

Multi-carrier integrated labelling

Inventory Management

General stock control, adjustments, and returns

Stock control across all sales channels

Low stock alerts

Barcode driven receipting, picking and packing

Forecast demand report

Costed stock control, adjustments, and returns

Multi-currency purchase orders with cost tracking

Landed cost calculator

Import/export purchase orders

Order Processing & Warehouse Management

Number of warehouse/locations supported

Bulk payment processing

Returns management

Workflow management

Edit placed orders

Split orders

Pre-order and back order

Customisable pick slips

stock locations

Bulk order processing

Customisable dispatch dockets

Mobile app for barcode order picking


Customer accounts

Customer groups

B2B customer statements

Automated invoice reminders

Other Powerful Features

Number of users

Automated FTP import/export system (data feeds)

Open API

PCI level 1 compliance

Staff user permissions groups

HTTPS on all domains

Cloudflare protection


Starts At


/per month

Online Store and Marketplaces

Channels - Extra Channels US$49/Per Month 1

Google Shopping


Manual order entry/Telesales

Included Revenue $50K


Phone, email and live chat

Product Management & Marketing

Number of products Unlimited

Kitted products

Custom fields

Product variations

Upsell and cross-sell products

Discount coupon codes

Gift vouchers

Rewards program

One-page checkout

Abandoned cart saver

Store finder

Customisable dashboard

Customer groups and segmentation

Wholesale price lists

Payment Options

Fraud protection

Accept all credit cards

Stored credit cards

Afterpay and Zip Pay/ Zip Money

Apple Pay and Google Pay


Account credit

B2B payment terms


Dropshipping and cross-docking

Low-cost routing

Generic labelling and manifesting

Custom shipping zones

Real-time shipping quote

Inventory Management

General stock control, adjustments, and returns

Stock control across all sales channels

Order Processing & Warehouse Management

Number of warehouse/locations supported Unlimited

Bulk payment processing

Returns management

Workflow management

Edit placed orders

Split orders

Pre-order and back order

Customisable pick slips

stock locations


Customer accounts

Customer groups

B2B customer statements

Automated invoice reminders

Other Powerful Features

Number of users Unlimited

Automated FTP import/export system (data feeds)

Open API

PCI level 1 compliance

Staff user permissions groups

HTTPS on all domains

Cloudflare protection

Essential Plus

Starts At


/per month

Online Store and Marketplaces

Channels - Extra Channels US$49/Per Month 2

Google Shopping


Manual order entry/Telesales

Included Revenue $250K


Phone, email and live chat

Product Management & Marketing

Number of products Unlimited

Kitted products

Custom fields

Product variations

Upsell and cross-sell products

Discount coupon codes

Gift vouchers

Rewards program

One-page checkout

Abandoned cart saver

Store finder

Customisable dashboard

Customer groups and segmentation

Wholesale price lists

Payment Options

Fraud protection

Accept all credit cards

Stored credit cards

Afterpay and Zip Pay/ Zip Money

Apple Pay and Google Pay


Account credit

B2B payment terms


Dropshipping and cross-docking

Low-cost routing

Generic labelling and manifesting

Custom shipping zones

Real-time shipping quote

Multi-carrier integrated labelling

Inventory Management

General stock control, adjustments, and returns

Stock control across all sales channels

Order Processing & Warehouse Management

Number of warehouse/locations supported Unlimited

Bulk payment processing

Returns management

Workflow management

Edit placed orders

Split orders

Pre-order and back order

Customisable pick slips

stock locations


Customer accounts

Customer groups

B2B customer statements

Automated invoice reminders

Other Powerful Features

Number of users Unlimited

Automated FTP import/export system (data feeds)

Open API

PCI level 1 compliance

Staff user permissions groups

HTTPS on all domains

Cloudflare protection


Starts At


/per month

Online Store and Marketplaces

Channels - Extra Channels US$49/Per Month 3

Google Shopping


Manual order entry/Telesales

Included Revenue $750K


Phone, email and live chat

Product Management & Marketing

Number of products Unlimited

Kitted products

Custom fields

Product variations

Upsell and cross-sell products

Discount coupon codes

Gift vouchers

Rewards program

One-page checkout

Abandoned cart saver

Store finder

Customisable dashboard

Customer groups and segmentation

Wholesale price lists

Payment Options

Fraud protection

Accept all credit cards

Stored credit cards

Afterpay and Zip Pay/ Zip Money

Apple Pay and Google Pay


Account credit

B2B payment terms


Dropshipping and cross-docking

Low-cost routing

Generic labelling and manifesting

Custom shipping zones

Real-time shipping quote

Multi-carrier integrated labelling

Inventory Management

General stock control, adjustments, and returns

Stock control across all sales channels

Low stock alerts

Barcode driven receipting, picking and packing

Order Processing & Warehouse Management

Number of warehouse/locations supported Unlimited

Bulk payment processing

Returns management

Workflow management

Edit placed orders

Split orders

Pre-order and back order

Customisable pick slips

stock locations

Bulk order processing

Customisable dispatch dockets

Mobile app for barcode order picking


Customer accounts

Customer groups

B2B customer statements

Automated invoice reminders

Other Powerful Features

Number of users Unlimited

Automated FTP import/export system (data feeds)

Open API

PCI level 1 compliance

Staff user permissions groups

HTTPS on all domains

Cloudflare protection


Starts At


/per month

Online Store and Marketplaces

Channels - Extra Channels US$49/Per Month All Channels

Google Shopping


Manual order entry/Telesales

Included Revenue $750K+


Phone, email and live chat

Product Management & Marketing

Number of products Unlimited

Kitted products

Custom fields

Product variations

Upsell and cross-sell products

Discount coupon codes

Gift vouchers

Rewards program

One-page checkout

Abandoned cart saver

Store finder

Customisable dashboard

Customer groups and segmentation

Wholesale price lists

Glew Ecommerce Analytics

Payment Options

Fraud protection

Accept all credit cards

Stored credit cards

Afterpay and Zip Pay/ Zip Money

Apple Pay and Google Pay


Account credit

B2B payment terms


Dropshipping and cross-docking

Low-cost routing

Generic labelling and manifesting

Custom shipping zones

Real-time shipping quote

Multi-carrier integrated labelling

Inventory Management

General stock control, adjustments, and returns

Stock control across all sales channels

Low stock alerts

Barcode driven receipting, picking and packing

Forecast demand report

Costed stock control, adjustments, and returns

Multi-currency purchase orders with cost tracking

Landed cost calculator

Import/export purchase orders

Order Processing & Warehouse Management

Number of warehouse/locations supported Unlimited

Bulk payment processing

Returns management

Workflow management

Edit placed orders

Split orders

Pre-order and back order

Customisable pick slips

stock locations

Bulk order processing

Customisable dispatch dockets

Mobile app for barcode order picking


Customer accounts

Customer groups

B2B customer statements

Automated invoice reminders

Other Powerful Features

Number of users Unlimited

Automated FTP import/export system (data feeds)

Open API

PCI level 1 compliance

Staff user permissions groups

HTTPS on all domains

Cloudflare protection

*All prices shown exclude tax.
All plans are billed in USD(Excluding Australia/Asia Pacific customers billed in AUD).

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Contact our amazing sales team to get the answer you need.

Essentials Request Pricing

Thanks for your interest in Maropost! Fill out the form below and we will get back to you.

Neil Patel

“With email bringing in 60% of annual sales, Maropost is our trusted platform—reliably helping to generate over 7 figures in annual revenue for the business.”


Digital Marketing Guru at NEIL PATEL

Professional Request Pricing

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Kelly Seawright

“Our guiding principle is ‘the best or nothing,’ and we feel that the solution provided by Maropost delivers on that promise.”


Manager of Digital Platforms at MERCEDES-BENZ

Enterprise Request Pricing

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"Maropost expressed genuine interest in understanding our business and wanted to be a true business partner.”


Senior Director of Email & Data Operations