Videos April 28, 2021

Video: Content is King: Top Email Templates that Convert!

Join our Creative Director (and design extraordinaire) Jadon Veldman as he shares his dos and don’ts of email design.

This webinar will cover the most important design and content tips to improve your deliverability and get your emails to convert! The entire spectrum of email content and design will be covered, including:

  1. Email Settings: The best from, to, and subject lines to use.
  2. Email Content: Phrases to use and words to avoid!
  3. Email Templates and Layouts: Optimal formats for conversion and mobile-friendly viewing.
  4. Email Images and Designs: Striking colors, fonts, and images that make your emails stand out from the rest!

We will show you how to put these concepts to work with a demo of how to build a beautiful email in minutes. As always, our webinars leave time for an open Q&A session.